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Horse Drinking Game

Horse Drinking Game 3,8/5 5002 reviews
  1. Horse Betting Drinking Game
  2. Drinking Game Horse Race
  3. How To Play Race Horse Drinking Game
  4. Drinking Post For Horses
  5. Horse Not Drinking Water

Horse race is another fairly simple card game that has players guessing which horse will cross the finish line first. It’s an entirely luck based game but works wonderfully with 2 players. What You’ll Need to Play A deck of cards and drinks. Pick a racer and hit go. Cheer for your racer. If you picked wrong, drink. If you picked right, give a drink.

Bar-Bar-A Horse & Livestock Drinkers

A Better Choice for You & Your Animals

  • Non-Electric
  • Saves Money
  • Don't Freeze
  • Saves You Time
  • Get Your Livestock to Drink More
  • Fresh Water
  • Low Maintenance
  • I wanted to give a testimonial. We had the Bar Bar A drinkers for our horses in Colorado for the last 8 years. We just moved to northern Arizona and decided right away to order more of these fantastic waterers before we even have the barn up or the fencing in. Our horses like the always-fresh water, and no electricity is a big deal. Back when we only had stock tanks with heaters, unbeknownst to us, one of the heaters was shorting and shocking the horses that tried to drink out of that tank. They didn't have access to any other water source for at least a full day. One of our horses was pantomiming drinking above the water with a very worried look on her face, and that's when we realized that the water level had not dropped and she wouldn't put her mouth to the water. We want to start our little herd out in their new home right, with a fresh and safe water supply. And no shocking surprises!
    Rene- Colorado
  • 5
    I bought my Bar-Bar-A in the Fall and installed it shortly thereafter. By December it got nasty cold. I show Percherons and one day I was looking at their hair. I could not believe how thick and healthy their hair became with 6 weeks of using the unit. I believe the reason for this was that the water they were drinking was a comfortable temperature for them and they drank much more. The year before they had a stock tank with ice cold water in it. They were definitely drinking more than last year and it showed in their winter coats. I have also tried the electric heaters that you throw in the tanks and they are not only dangerous but many times heat the water too much and make the water to warm to enjoy. Thanks Bar-Bar-A
    Ken – Utah
  • This morning it was 4 degrees Fahrenheit. I have 6 paddock/pastures with horse waterers. The only waterer which was not frozen up was the Bar-Bar- A waterer. The rest were electric units with heaters. I am an equine veterinarian and also own a small horse breeding farm. I will recommend your waterer to everyone. As soon as I can, I will replace all my waterers.
    Diana – Illinois
  • 5
    I can’t say enough about your sheep drinker waterers. This is the first summer without constantly filling tanks, growing algae, and during the past winter there were no more frozen hoses, frozen hands, electric heaters, etc. Should have installed them years ago. Finest sheep drinker waterer on the market. The goat loves it!
    Bobbi – New York
  • Never Freezes
  • Non-Electric
  • Saves Money
  • Saves Time
  • Healthier Animals
  • Animals Drink More

Horse Betting Drinking Game

  • No Algae
  • Cleaner Water
  • Saves Money
  • Saves Time
  • No Bugs or Critters
  • Animals Drink More

Learn More About How to Easily Install & Maintain the Automatic Waterer


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When you ensure that you inspect your automatic waterer on a regular basis, you will be able to limit damage that may occur to your waterer. This will help to keep it in good condition and functioning effectively overtime. Ul...

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When you are aware of some of the most common livestock illnesses, you will be able to take the steps to protect your livestock and improve their health. Ensuring that your livestock has access to fresh, clean water can help ...

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When you have livestock or horses, it is essential to ensure that they are getting enough water. Dehydration is one of the biggest sources of problems with your livestock. An automatic waterer can help to make this process mu...


Drinking Game Horse Race

Often it can be frustrating to find 2 player drinking games that actually work well with 2 people. So we decided to put together a list of the best drinking games for 2 people to help get the job done. These games should be perfect for you and 1 other player to have a few drinks and have a great time doing it.

Best 2 Player Drinking Games

Bus Driver

Bus driver is a classic 2 player card game that’s easy to play. Basically one player becomes the Driver and the other is the Rider. The Driver is the dealer and he lays out the cards while the Rider tries to guess if the next card will be higher or lower than the last.

What You’ll Need

A deck of cards and ample alcohol, Shuffle the deck and place 5 cards face down and one card face up in a straight line.

How to Play


After the cards are laid out it’s the Riders job to try to get from one end to the other. They must guess if the next card in the row is higher or lower than the last card. If they’re correct they move on to the next card, if they’re incorrect they drink 3 times and add 3 new cards to the end of the row. This continues until the Rider successfully flips all the cards in the row. Then play switches and the rider becomes the driver, and vice-versa.

Beer Pong

Beer pong is a great team drinking game, but it also works great one on one. The objective is to sink all the opponents cups before they sink yours.

What you’ll need to play

11 solo cups (5 for each player and an extra wash cup), a few ping pong balls and beers. Set up 5 cups on each end of a rectangle table, set up in a pyramid shape. Fill the cups with beer (or water if you want to avoid germs).

How to Play

Players take turns throwing their ping pong ball from one end of the table to the other, trying to land it in the opposing players cups. If they sink it the opponent must drink that cup, otherwise they pass their turn to the other player.

How To Play Race Horse Drinking Game

First player to sink all the opponents cups wins. And the opponent must drink whichever drinks remain on the table.

Drunk Jenga


Drunk Jenga has players playing a regular game of Jenga except each brick has a rule written on it that the puller must perform. These can range form game-play rules, drinking rules or just silly fun rules. And of course whoever knocks down the tower must finish a full drink.

If you’re having a hard time thinking of good rules to write onto the bricks you might want to check out our list of Drunk Jenga rule ideas.

Tipsy Tower Drinking Game – 54 Blocks, over 35 Different Rules and Games – The Ultimate Adult Party Game (Toy)

List Price:$29.95
New From:$29.95 In Stock
Used from:Out of Stock

Horse Race

Horse race is another fairly simple card game that has players guessing which horse will cross the finish line first. It’s an entirely luck based game but works wonderfully with 2 players.

What You’ll Need to Play

A deck of cards and drinks. Shuffle the deck and remove every Ace to place in a vertical line. These will represent the horses. Place 7 more cards face down to represent the spaces, and then the rest of the deck face down near the dealer.

How to Play

Drinking Post For Horses

To start each player places a bet on which suit they think will cross the finish line first. Such as “5 drinks on Diamonds”. Then it’s off to the races.


The dealer takes turns flipping cards from the face down deck. Each time a suit is flipped, the corresponding Ace moves forward one space. Whichever suit(or horse) crosses the finish line first wins. If a player bet correctly they can assign their drinks to the other player, however if they didn’t they must drink their bet.

Power Hour

Power Hour is less of a game and more of a test of will. In this game players must take a shot of alcohol every minute for 60 minutes. This can be done either by setting a timer or watching one of the many power hour videos scattered across Youtube.

The Generic Horror Drinking Game

This game works with any standard horror franchise such as Scream, Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, etc… As long as the movie is about a group of people being terrorized by someone or something than this drinking game should work great. If you’re looking for a fun 2 player drinking game, what could be better than watching a movie and getting drunk at the same time?

What You’ll Need to Play

Horse Not Drinking Water

Any classic horror movie and some drinks. Then just follow these drinking rules and drink whenever one comes up.

Drink Whenever…

  • Someone screams in the movie
  • Horror music begins to play
  • A young couple have sex
  • The phone lines are cut or the car won’t start

Drink 3 Times Whenever…

  • Someone is murdered
  • The killers identity is revealed


Sixes is a game that works with larger groups too, but it plays just fine with two players. In this game 6 empty shot glasses are places on a table and players roll a die to figure out if they need to fill one or drink one.

What You’ll Need to Play

6 empty shot glasses, a single die and drinks. We suggest playing with beers. Place the empty shot glasses on the table in a row from 1 to 6.

How to Play

Each turn a player rolls the die and then looks for the corresponding shot glass. If it’s empty they fill it up, if it’s full they must drink it. Then they pass the die to the other player.

This continues until all 6 of the shot glasses are full at the same time. When that happens the last player to roll wins, and the other player must drink all 6 of the shot glasses.

As always, please remember to drink responsibly. It’s only a game and it’s not worth causing yourself any physical harm. If you need a break take one. We hope our list of the best 2 player Drinking Games covered all the bases. Cheers!